Caruso’s Male Mojo for male libido

Order Description
Brief Product Overview.( Caruso’s Male Mojo for male libido)
Critical Appraisal & Review of the Product for Specified Indication.
Academic Conclusion.
Conclusion or Recommendations for Customer.
Section Details:
(A) Brief Product Overview including the following details:
1- Trade name and manufacturer name for (Caruso’s Male Mojo for male libido®)
2- List of ingredients in product including dose / tablet and dose
per day o Indications and any product claims listed on the
3- Commercial product image.
(B)-Critical Appraisal and Review of the Product.
Students are expected to evaluate the literature and evidence and submit a critical appraisal that defines whether their allocated product is appropriate for clinical use and has a place in therapy for a specified condition or indication. It is expected that this section of the report will contain cited information that can be traced to its source via the reference list.
This review of the literature is not a mere presentation of facts. Students are expected to organise and critically analyse the information they have sourced and draw a logical and relevant conclusion or argument based on their analysis.
Some use of tables to summarise information is acceptable, provided that the information is clear and cited appropriately.
It is important to use credible scientific reference sources for papers, generally books, peer- reviewed journals and reports.
Factors that could be considered in this section include:
1- Product indications and place of therapy according to packaging. If this is
unclear, this may be due to regulatory reasons, but can still be commented
2- Clinical evidence to support use of the ingredient(s) in this
product for this
indication or condition.
3- Evidence of benefit at the dose of different ingredients as well as product
Overall for the product indications, according to evidence.
4- Whether the combination of ingredients is rational and
Appropriate, including reasoning.
5- Whether the indications for which the product is promoted on the packaging is appropriate based on evidence (do the ingredients match the ‘marketing’?).
6- Comment on whether the specified indication seems viable, based on evidence and the combination of ingredients.
7- Any other factors or considerations considered relevant to this product.
8- Do you think the key ingredient(s) in another product or brand available in
another form, dosage or combination would be a better suggestion?
(C)- Academic Conclusion
•Avoid use of descriptive, emotive or casual words such as
“alarming”, “surprising”, “fantastic breakthrough” “This is really
exciting stuff” etc
•Write in the 3rd person, not the 1st person – For example do not
say “In my opinion….” rather say “Based on evidence …..” etc.
(D) – Conclusion or Recommendation for Customer
(E) -Formatting
throughout the research paper using decimal numbering: (e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc)
(F)- References
• Use Vancouver referencing style for the assignment
• In-text citations should be used correctly referenced and formatted according to Vancouver referencing guidelines throughout the document, and a list of references
should be included at the end of the report, starting on a new page.
• URLs should not be used as citations in the body of the assignment. If URLs are given on
the reference list, these should be presented in black, and should not be underlined or
• use 11 credible scientific reference sources from (2008-2015)
• DO NOT use the Natural Medicine database grading system as justification for your decisions, nor reference directly to the database. Reference to the original journal articles or review papers. Please also note that the database may not always include the most up- to-date research on all ingredients. Search more widely than just the database and apply
your own critical thinking to your recommendations.
• Please note that your lecture notes and consumer sites are not considered valid or
the assignment must be
1- Content :
Comprehensive, insightful, evidence-based report on allocated product.
Excellent understanding and critical appraisal of literature and application to specific indication in clinical practice.
Argument and recommendations clear, well structured and persuasive and well supported by evidence and critical reasoning. Excellent patient summary – clear and concise with patient- appropriate language used to explain recommendations & clinical reasoning.
2- Organisation and formatting
All information is well organised and demonstrates cohesion with a logical flow and excellent development of ideas and argument. Well-constructed paragraphs
Formatting correct, well presented and including all required components – neat and professional presentation.
Report within word count 500 (< or > 10%)   Brief Product Overview (*excluded from word count) including the following                   Details
o Trade name and manufacturer name
o List of ingredients in product including dose / tablet and dose per day
o Indications and any product claims listed on the packaging
o Commercial product image.
3- Language, grammar, spelling punctuation
Excellent use of English language that enhances content. Language style professional, with no use of inappropriate terminology. Consistent accuracy in grammar, spelling, punctuation and expression
4- Use of Information sources, citation and referencing
Good paraphrasing throughout and no over- use of quotes. Excellent use of a wide range of relevant recent sources of information to support argument. All information correctly cited. All citations in reference list. Accurate use of Vancouver -style referencing.
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