Depending on your chosen site and the length of your observation, the paper should be no more than six pages pages.Observations that demonstrate critical thinking and analysis include components such asidentification of assumptions regarding settingaccurate assessment of behaviorspresentation of corollary positions and perspectivesdevelopment of conclusions based on behaviors observeddiscussion of potential or actual implications of behaviorslisting of consequences resulting from specific behaviorsposing of critical questions regarding problems or issues that could result from behaviors observed.GRADING SCALE FOR OBSERVATION PAPEREXCELLENT (34-33 Points) – Good location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, 4-6 pages, double-spaced, extraordinarily well written, organized and easy to read, free of errors, supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page, appropriate spelling, written above and beyond what was requested.GOOD (32-29 Points) – Good location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, 4-6 pages, double-spaced, well written, organized and easy to read, free of errors, supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page, written above and beyond what was requested.ABOVE AVERAGE (28-24 Points) – Adequate description of location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, requirement for pages missing, double-spaced, well written, organized and easy to read, free of errors, missing required supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page,AVERAGE (23-19 Points) – Adequate but does not have significant detail in description of location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, requirement for pages missing, double-spaced, not easy to read, writing errors, missing required supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page,BELOW AVERAGE (18-14 Points) – Poorly written, may have significant errors, missing required cited sources, cover sheet, required number of pages and page numbers.ZERO (13 and below) – Missing most of requirement for paper or failure to submit paper.DO NOT PUT TABLES OR GRAPHICS IN YOUR PAPER NOR YOUR FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBERS WHO MAY GO WITH YOU TO THE LOCATION.WRITE ABOUT WHAT YOU OBSERVE, NOT DEFINITIONS. PAGE REQUIREMENT 4 TO 5 FULL PAGES.CHOSE TOPIC THAT HAS TO DO WITH HUMAN SEXUALITY


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