Eight things we can do to improve health care without adding to the deficit.

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Case Study:The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare
The Wall Street Journal
OPINIONAUGUST 11 2009 7:30 P.M. ET
Eight things we can do to improve health care without adding to the deficit.
John Mackey
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money.
Margaret Thatcher
With a projected $1.8 trillion deficit for 2009 several trillions more in deficits projected over the next decade and with both Medicare and Social Security entitlement spending about to ratchet up several notches over the next 15 years as Baby Boomers become eligible for both we are rapidly running out of other peoples money. These deficits are simply not sustainable. They are either going to result in unprecedented new taxes and inflation or they will bankrupt us.
While we clearly need health-care reform the last thing our country needs is a massive new health-care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and move us much closer to a government takeover of our health-care system. Instead we should be trying to achieve reforms by moving in the opposite directiontoward less government control and more individual empowerment. Here are eight reforms that would greatly lower the cost of health care for everyone:
Many promoters of health-care reform believe that people have an intrinsic ethical right to health careto equal access to doctors medicines and hospitals. While all of us empathize with those who are sick how can we say that all people have more of an intrinsic right to health care than they have to food or shelter?
Health care is a service that we all need but just like food and shelter it is best provided through voluntary and mutually beneficial market exchanges. A carefulreading of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution will not reveal any intrinsic right to health care food or shelter. Thats because there isnt any. This right has never existed in America
Even in countries like Canada and the U.K. there is no intrinsic right to health care. Rather citizens in these countries are told by government bureaucrats what health-care treatments they are eligible to receive and when they can receive them. All countries with socialized medicine ration health care by forcing their citizens to wait in lines to receive scarce treatments.
Although Canada has a population smaller than California 830000 Canadians are currently waiting to be admitted to a hospital or to get treatment according to a report last month in Investors Business Daily. In England the waiting list is 1.8 million.
At Whole Foods we allow our team members to vote on what benefits they most want the company to fund. Our Canadian and British employees express their benefit preferences very clearlythey want supplemental health-care dollars that they can control and spend themselves without permission from their governments. Why would they want such additional health-care benefit dollars if they already have an intrinsic right to health care? The answer is clearno such right truly exists in either Canada or the U.K.or in any other country.
Rather than increase government spending and control we need to address the root causes of poor health. This begins with the realization that every American adult is responsible for his or her own health.
Unfortunately many of our health-care problems are self-inflicted: two-thirds of Americans are now overweight and one-third are obese. Most of the diseases that kill us and account for about 70% of all health-care spendingheart disease cancer stroke diabetes and obesityare mostly preventable through proper diet exercise not smoking minimal alcohol consumption and other healthy lifestyle choices.
Whole Foods Facebook Response
Whole Foods August Stock Price
Source:Yahoo! Finance
Recent scientific and medical evidence shows that a diet consisting of foods that are plant-based nutrient dense and low-fat will help prevent and often reverse most degenerative diseases that kill us and are expensive to treat. We should be able to live largely disease-free lives until we are well into our 90s and even past 100 years of age.
Health-care reform is very important. Whatever reforms are enacted it is essential that they be financially responsible and that we have the freedom to choose doctors and the health-care services that best suit our own unique set of lifestyle choices. We are all responsible for our own lives and our own health. We should take that responsibility very seriously and use our freedom to make wise lifestyle choices that will protect our health. Doing so will enrich our lives and will help create a vibrant and sustainable American society.
Mr. Mackey is co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market Inc.
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