Positioning the Organization for Success

view the PBS NewsHour video, Concierge Medicine: Greater Access for a Fee, found here:
Source: Concierge Medicine: Greater Access for a Fee: PBS. Retrieved from
Prepare a analysis for Dr. Green that demonstrates your consideration of your practice’s current capabilities with regard to 1) adopting a concierge care business model or 2) expanding the existing practice. (Feel free to look at sample SWOT or Porter’s Five Forces Framework templates for ideas, but do not use a template because some applications may not be able to “read” the template you select.)
In the end, the physicians will make the final decision, but they are looking to you to evaluate the situation from a business perspective, to have asked the right questions and to do the legwork.
clear demonstration that the following have been considered:
• Competition
• Customers (mix, customer demand)
• Continuity of care
• Value
• Sources of revenue
• Costs (including marketing, technology, payroll, office fit-out)
• Staffing needs (propose specific roles and responsibilities)
• Ethical concerns
Finally, in a concise summary paragraph or two, present your recommendation to your employers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the status quo versus moving to a concierge care model? Does a hybrid model make sense? If so, how would you structure it, and why do you think it is the desired option?

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