Real Estate Finance

Assignment 1: Real Estate Trust (Due Week 2)

DUE: Jul 15, 2018 11:55 PM


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Assignment Details

Open Date Jul 9, 2018 12:05 AM   Graded? Yes   Points Possible 100.0   Resubmissions Allowed? No   Attachments checked for originality? Yes

Assignment Instructions

BUSN220 Week 2 / Assignment #1
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are designed to deal in equities like improved income properties (apartments, office buildings, shopping centers, industrial parks, and the like). See .
Please identify at least one REIT. Describe the following in a 3 page analysis :
1. The basic format common to all REITs.
2. The holdings of your selected REIT (show sources!)
3. The financial performance of your selected REIT before the real estate crash of 2007 (show sources!)
4. The financial performance of your selected REIT after the real estate crash of 2007 (show sources!)
5. Discuss your opinion regarding the future of REITs as a real estate finance tool.
The answers to these questions should be incorporated into your 3 page analysis.  Please do not number each section.  Your work should be in proper APA format. Upon completion, upload your work to the Assignments area of the classroom.

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