This module is a compulsory module in the MSc Health Care Management scheme .The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing strategic and operational planning in health and social care. The module is concerned with the theory of strategic planning and the concepts that underpin resource allocation in health and social care. It is increasingly difficult to claim that strategic planning is a distinctively different process in the public sector compared with the private sector, and any differences in philosophy and process will be explored and examined
The module will emphasise how ideology, politics, value systems and resource constraints pose particularly challenging issues in the development, formation and implementation of strategic plans in health care. The module will also deal with resource allocation mechanisms in the public sector, in particular the relationship between allocation of resources to that of meeting objectives related to addressing inequalities in health status and service provision.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate :
you are required to select and present an analysis of a strategy for improving the performance of some aspect of health and/or social care.
Choice of strategy for the assignment
Examples of strategy used in previous years for this assignment
The topic that I prefer is this (Saudi Ministry of Health strategy for Infection Control ) . If you can write about that or you can just come up with a strategy that you prefer.