You will build an annotated bibliography based on a Psychology faculty member’s research here at the U. There are many components for this assignment, so be sure to pay close attention to the instructions, spelling, and format. You will read a series of peer-reviewed research journal articles (not chapters or literature reviews) from a single faculty member (if not sure the article fits, contact us). The bibliography will be based on two articles.To find the articles, you can look on the faculty member’s website, on their CV, or via searching on the Marriott Library’s research database, usually PsychInfo (seeMarriott Library Searchfor tips on using their resources). Do not use Google Scholar as you may not be able to get PDFs or access to those items. The person selected does not have to be the first-author on the article, but confirm you are using the correct person (e.g., there are a number of us named Paul White). You will download/access the articles to read. You will write and summarize items in your own words, not copying & pasting from the articles. You do not have to attach the articles.1. List the first article as an APA reference (e.g., White, P. H., Kjelgaard, M. M., & Harkins, S. G. (1995). Testing the contribution of self-evaluation to goal-setting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 69-79.). Remember to use the Purdue Online Writing Lab ( as a guide. This is what will be used for grading. Note: Do not use the citation machine on OWL itself if there is one listed. Read the material and follow the instructions for your citations and references.  Everything for proper APA references will be required, except for indentations. I would not assume that if you copy & paste something from a faculty member’s website, the library, etc., that it will be in APA style automatically.2. Summarize what you see as the main thesis or research question being explored in the article (what are the authors trying to show or test overall?).NOTE: If the article has more than one experiment/study, do the next 3 components for the first experiment/study only.3. Summarize the methods used in the article: Major characteristics of the participants (i.e., how many, ages/ethnicity (indicate if not listed), how recruited), the independent & dependent variables (how were they operationalized), & other things of note from the methods.4. Summarize the results of the article. What did they find, include whether their hypotheses were supported by the results.5. Summarize the conclusions of the article. What implications do they have for the research question? Were they able to answer it, how or how not? Do you agree or not with the authors’ conclusions or “take-home” point?6. List the second article as an APA reference.7. Summarize what you see as the main thesis or research question being explored in the article (what are the authors trying to show or test overall?).NOTE: If the article has more than one experiment/study, do the next 3 components for the first experiment/study only.8. Summarize the methods used in the article: Major characteristics of the participants (i.e., how many, ages/ethnicity (indicate if not listed), how recruited), the independent & dependent variables (how were they operationalized), & other things of note from the methods.9. Summarize the results of the article. What did they find, include whether their hypotheses were supported by the results.10. Summarize the conclusions of the article. What implications do they have for the research question? Were they able to answer it, how or how not? Do you agree or not with the authors’ conclusions or “take-home” point?NOTE: Do not forget to number the components (.5 off if not done). If turned in late, there will be a 20% penalty of the points per day (including weekends) for the assignment.RUBRIC:Listed the first article in APA reference format.Summarized the main thesis or research question explored in the article (what are the authors trying to show or test overall?).Summarized the methods used in the article (first experiment only): Major characteristics of the participants (i.e., how many, ages/ethnicity (indicate if not listed), how recruited), the independent & dependent variables (how were they operationalized), & other things of note from the methods.Summarized the results of the first experiment only. What did they find and included whether the hypothesis was supported.Summarized the conclusions of the first experiment only. What implications do they have for the research question? Were they able to answer it, how or how not? Do you agree or not with the authors’ conclusions or “take-home” point?Listed the second article as an APA reference.Summarized the main thesis or research question explored in the article (what are the authors trying to show or test overall?).Summarized the methods used in the article (first experiment only): Major characteristics of the participants (i.e., how many, ages/ethnicity (indicate if not listed), how recruited), the independent & dependent variables (how were they operationalized), & other things of note from the methods.Summarized the results of the first experiment only. What did they find and included whether the hypothesis was supported.Summarized the conclusions of the first experiment only. What implications do they have for the research question? Were they able to answer it, how or how not? Do you agree or not with the authors’ conclusions or “take-home” point?


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