2,500 word essay, 50% of module mark
Ideas of management and managers circulate widely in society. Popular culture can provide useful insights into how management theories and models are represented outside the business context. The purpose of this essay is to critically discuss two chosen module topics using the medium of film. Please choose two topics of the following :

• Diversity and Organisations
• Fun at Work
• Motivation and the Self
• Organisational Change
• Organisational Structure
• Power and Politics
• Resistance and Misbehaviour

NB! You may not write about Culture or Space .

You will also need to choose one film from the list provided on Moodle.

The title of your essay should be :

Analysing management and organisation through film: A critical discussion of [two topics] in the film [ title ].
For example: Analysing management and organisation through film: A critical discussion of motivation and power in the film The Internship .

In your essay you will need to draw on the academic literature on your chosen two topics to provide a critical disc ussion. You are expected to illustrate the theories by providing examples from the film. You do not need to describe the plot of the whole film; you only need to briefly describe the scenes or events that you use to discuss the theories. You do not need to include ALL theories covered in the module, only those you think are relevant to relate to your chosen film.

In your essay you should discuss both mainstream and critical approaches to your two chosen topics. You should also explain how the two topics are connected.
The assignment should be 2,5 00 words in length (+/ – 10%, inc luding in – text citations but excluding the list of references) , and should be double spaced using a common font such as Times Roman 12 pt, and spell checked . You should follow the Harvard style of referencing.

See FASER for the submission deadline.

Your assignment should include a title page and a list of references, which includes the full reference for all articles, books and other sources you have cited in the body of the text.
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
A young woman comes to New York and scores a job as the assistant to one of the city’s biggest magazine editors, the ruthless and cynical Miranda Priestly.
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
A naive business graduate is installed as president of a manufacturing company as part of a stock scam.
Employee of the Month (2006)
When he hears that the new female employee likes ambitious men who are named ‘ E mpl oyee of the M onth ’ , a slacker gets his act together but finds himself in competition with an ambitious co worker.
The Internship (2013)
Two salesmen out of a job find their way into an internship at Google, where they must compete with a group of young, tech – savvy geniuses to gain employment.
Made in Dagenham (2010)
Dramatization of the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenham car plant, where female workers walked out in protest against gender discrimination.
Moneyball (2011)
Manager Billy Beane’s succ essful attempt to assemble a baseball team on a lean budget by employing computer – generated analysis to acquire new players.
Office Space (1999)
Comedic tale of company workers who hate their jobs and decide to rebel against t heir greedy boss.
Rogue Trader (1999)
One man’s ambition causes one of the greatest financial disasters in history. The film is based on the true story of how broker Nick Leeson brought down Barings Bank.

Wall Street (1987)
A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside info rmation taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider.
Working Girl (1988)
When a secretary’s idea is stolen by her boss, she seizes an opportunity to steal it back by pretending she has her boss’s job.

Resources for Coursework II: Management and Organisation in Film
Here you will find a list of potentially useful sources for your second piece of coursework. Items may be added to the list in the course of the module – if you come across a useful source, please let me know and I will add it.
Academic texts
Bell, E. (2008) Reading Management and Organisation in Film. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Champoux, J.E. (2001) Animated film as a teaching resource. Journal of Management Education, 25(1): 79-100.
Foreman, J. and Thatchenkery, T.J. (1996) Filmic representations for organizational analysis: the characterization of a transplant organization in the film Rising Sun. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9(3): 44-61.
Höpfl, H. (2002) Hitchcock’s Vertigo and the tragic sublime. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 15(1): 21-34.
Panayiotou, A. (2010) ‘Macho’ managers and organizational heroes: competing masculinities in popular film, Organization 17(6): 659-683.
Panayiotou, A. and Kafiris, K. (2011) Viewing the language of space: organizational spaces, power, and resistance in popular films, Journal of Management Inquiry, 20(3): 264-284.
Rhodes, C. and Parker, M. (2008). Images of organizing in popular culture. Organization, 15(5): 627–37.
Rhodes, C. and Westwood, R. (2008) Critical Representations of Work and Organization in Popular Culture. London: Routledge. (Available as online book through the library.)

Other sources
Bloom, P. (2014) Why the message of the Hunger Games films is dangerous. The Conversation, online resource:

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