100% Non-Plagiarized Papers
We do not give our clients copies of work from other sources. We have editors who work alongside our well educated and highly trained writers. The editors check and approve the writers work to rule out any plagiarism. We guarantee 100% authenticity when you buy from us an essay.
Every piece of work that we deliver comes with a dedicated plagiarism report. We use Viper and Turnitin to run a plagiarism scan. It scans against online resources and previous works in our own database for similarities. If the work produced by us is plagiarized we will pay out $2000 guarantee.
Every piece of work that we deliver comes with a dedicated plagiarism report. We use Viper and Turnitin to run a plagiarism scan. It scans against online resources and previous works in our own database for similarities. If the work produced by us is plagiarized we will pay out $2000 guarantee.
What if I am not satisfied with the paper?
- This does happen sometimes. It is usually as a result of bad communication and unclear instructions. If your essay is written according to your initial instructions, then kindly pay your order. Otherwise it is your right to cancel it and have all reserved funds returned to your account.