Video musics –

1. “La MaIdicion de Malinche” is a significant example of canto nuevo or nueva canci6n in Mexico. Compare the audio and video recordings musically and then explain why the song is linked to the new
song movement.
2. Characterize the music and lyrics of the Rock Mexicano composition, “Las ratas no tienen alas’ by Jaguares. What is the music like? What do the lyrics say? Website 3. Café Tacuba and its
influential style is celebrated in an website. In the middle of the radio discussion their ‘seminal album’ is discussed. Discuss the stylistic influences in their music that are
referenced in the discussion. How did the audience respond?
Chicano Rock! The Sounds of East Los Angeles 4. Briefly describe the “pachuco roots” of Chicano music in the 1940s-1950s. What was the music like? 5. What was the “crossover’ that took place in
Chicano music during the 1950s? Describe what the music was like? 6. What began to happen in the music industry for Chicano music during the early 1960s? Describe what the music was like?
7. How did the British invasion affect Chicano music? How was Chicano music of this time tied to race and culture? Describe what the music was like?
8. How did Chicano music during the late 1960s and early 1970s change? What did it represent? Describe what the music was like? 9. What was new in Chicano music in the late 1970s? Describe what the
music was like? 10. What “conclusion” does the film suggest happened to Chicano music in the 1980s? Describe what the music was like?

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